Do you have a collection you would like to display at one of our events? We welcome new members who collect absolutely anything. Get in touch with us by clicking here.
The Sheffield Collector’s Club was formed in February 2016 to offer local collectors a public space in which they could share their displays with a wider audience. Collectors of pretty much anything can be a part of the club, with displays so far featuring all kinds of collections including, novelty computer memory sticks, steam powered toys, vintage telephones, model railways, old sewing machines and minature shoes to name just a few.
The club meets at least once a month at either Heeley City Farm or Abbeydale Miniature Railway, where we display many varied collections to the general public. These displays vary from month to month, so there is always something new to see.
Check the events diary page to see when and where we are meeting next. You can also download our latest even posters by clicking on them then right clicking the large image that appears and select ‘save image as’.